PARMENIDES Project General Assembly
The European PARMENIDES (Plug&plAy eneRgy ManagEmeNt for hybrID Energy Storage) project held its general assembly on July 10-11, where the partners also had the chance to visit the Live-In lab at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

On July 10-11, all partners successfully collaborated in the first general assembly of the PARMENIDES Project at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Work package leaders presented their progress and discussed the coming challenges of the project. The energy communities-centric approach was the main point of discussion. More power to energy communities under the PARMENIDES project!

During the General Assembly meeting in Stockholm, the PARMENIDES team had the opportunity to visit the very interesting and innovative Live-In lab at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Jonas Anund Vogel, the Director of the KTH Live-In Lab, showed the partners around the buildings, gave introductions to the installed hardware and software and they discussed the possible applications and use cases in PARMENIDES. The PARMENIDES team are happy to collaborate with such an innovative environment in the project.
Stay tuned for more news on PARMENIDES.
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